In 1938, Chester Carlson a inventat un procedeu de tiparire uscat numit electrofotografie (electrophotography) uzual numit Xerox, care a devenit baza tehnologiei imprimantelor laser care au urmat.
Prima imprimanta laser, numita EARS, a fost dezvoltata la Xerox Palo Alto Research Center incepand cu 1969 si finalizata in noiembre, 1971. Inginerul de la Xerox, Gary Starkweather a adaptat tehnologia de copiere Xerox adaugand un laser si astfel a obtinut primul laser printer. Conform declaratiilor Xerox, "The Xerox 9700 Electronic Printing System, the first xerographic laser printer product, was released in 1977. The 9700, a direct descendant from the original PARC "EARS" printer which pioneered in laser scanning optics, character generation electronics, and page-formatting software, was the first product on the market to be enabled by PARC research."
In 1953, prima imprimanta rapida a fost realizata de Remington-Rand pentru ba fi folosita de catre calculatorul Univac.
Conform IBM, "the very first IBM 3800 was installed in the central accounting office at F. W. Woolworth’s North American data center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1976." Sistemul de imprimare IBM 3800 Printing System a fost primul celmai rapid sistem de tiparire laser cu mai mult de 100 caractere/secunda care a combinat tehnologia laser cu electrofotografia.
In 1992, Hewlett-Packard a iesit pe piata cu populara LaserJet 4, prima imprimanta laser cu rezolutie 600 x 600 dpi.
Printerul inkjet (cu cerneala) a fost inventat in 1976, dar abia in 1988 a aparut prima imprimanta cu cerneala accesibila consumatorilor: Hewlett-Parkard a produs DeskJet inkjet printer, la un pret de 1000USD.
Nu stiam cine a inventat imprimanta. Acum stiu.
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