Fratii Grimm au scris aceasta poveste frumoasa in anul 1812. Ea a aparut in cartea de basme Deutsches Märchenbuch 1856 editata de Ludwig Bechsteins. Am facut un scenariu dupa aceasta poveste. Vom face piesa de teatru intro manifestare dedicata copiilor de clasa a III a. Mai pot inca lucra la acest scenariu pana la sfarsitul lui februarie. Orice idei noi sunt binevenite.
The script
Scene 1 Hansel and Gretel’s house
Story teller: There were two children, a boy, Hansel, and a girl, Gretel. They lived in the forest, in a small house. One day the father said.
Father: I must bring the children in the forest. I haven’t got money for food.
Gretel: Hansel, did you hear what dad said?
Hansel: Yes! Our dad wants to bring us in the forest and leave us there.
Scene 2: In the forest
Story teller: In the night Hansel goes outside and took stones in the bag. In the next day the dad and the children went in the forest. Hansel put stones on the way.
Gretel: What do you do, Hansel?
Hansel: I put stones on the way so that we will find the way again to go home.
Father: Well, I go to get some wood. You must collect strawberries.
Story teller: It’s night and the dad doesn’t come.
Gretel: Oh, no Hansel! I’m scared Why doesn’t come dad?
Hansel: I have an idea! We can make a fire and wait five minutes. When dad doesn’t come we go home.
Gretel: How can we go home?
Hansel: I put stones on the way.
Gretel: Ah! Ok. We try it.
Scene 3: Kids at home
Story teller: The kids wait five minutes and then go home. In the next morning they knock in the door. The dad opened the door.
Father: Oh, what do you do here?
Hansel and Gretel: We are back at home dad. Now we go in bed, we are tired.
Scene 4: Again in the forest
Story teller: In the next morning the father woke up the two kids.
Father: Kids, we go in the forest!
Hansel and Gretel: Why? What do we do there?
Father: We walk to get more wood.
Story teller: In this time Hansel put bread on the way. They were in the forest.
Father: So, I must go now, but I come back.
Story teller: An hour later…
Gretel: Where is dad?
Hansel: I don’t know.
Gretel: Let us make a fire. It is cold.
Hansel: Yes we can make it. I put bread on the way. Let us look.
Gretel: I understand. So we can go home again.
Story teller: They look and look, but they didn’t find the bread.
Hansel: Oh, no! We must go in the forest back because we are lost!
Gretel: Ok.
Scene 5: The kids find the witch house
Story teller: Hansel and Gretel look around and go in the forest.
Gretel: Look Hansel! Oh, it’s so beautiful.
Hansel: It is a house but it’s of sweets.
Story teller: They looked at the house and they wanted to eat it.
Hansel and Gretel: Jammi!
Witch: Who is there and eat from my house?
Gretel: Oh! This is a bad woman. It is a witch!
Witch: No, I’m not a witch! Come in, come in!
Hansel: Let’s go in!
Gretel: No! We don’t go in!
Hansel: Please, I want to eat something!
Gretel: Ok, ok…
Scene 6: Inside the house
Story teller: The kids go inside the witch house.
Witch: You can look around. I make you something to eat.
Gretel (whispery): I think she is a witch. Do you think, too?
Hansel: No, she is so nice.
Witch: Here! Eat so much you want!
Gretel: Mmm! Jammi!
Witch: Let’s go to sleep now.
Story teller: The kids go to sleep. In the next morning the witch close Hansel in a cage.
Gretel (whispery): After two days she will eat us. She want that we eat a lot.
Hansel: I have an idea. Here is a bone. The witch doesn’t see so well so I can show her a bone.
Gretel: Good!
Story teller: They made this and the witch wanted to eat Hansel. They see the witch next to the oven.
Hansel: Now Gretel. Open the cage!
Gretel: Yes! And now let’s bring the witch in the oven.
Scene 7: Going back at home
Story teller: The witch died and the children went in the next morning home, at their dad. They are happy together. He never thinks to bring them back in the forest.
Puteti citi povestea la wikisource. In scenariu trebuie sa folosesc un limbaj mai simplu care poate fi inteles de elevii de clasa a III a.
Stiati ca dupa aceasta poveste, in 1890, Engelbert Humperdinck a scris muzica unei opere? Iata mai jos actul I:
Hansel si Gretel
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